Archive for May, 2008 – Photography portfolio of Kate Wilhelm

Sunday, May 4th, 2008 is the photography portfolio of Kate Wilhelm, who just happens to be my better half 🙂

peripheralvision preview

Kate wanted something that was aesthetically pleasing, and easy to maintain. Many photographers use Flash for their websites, but that can result in poor search engine ranking, since the content isn’t accessible to search engine spiders. Using the dojo javascript toolkit I was able to build a site that has slick visual effects, while retaining excellent findability. It doesn’t break the back-button, and you can bookmark individual images. For the content management I used the lovely Zen Photo. The site also features a blog powered by WordPress, which is fully integrated into the site design. Finally, the images are linked to imagekind where you can buy prints of the photos. 50% of profit from sales go to charity – the Stephen Lewis Foundation. The gallery features photos from our visit to South Africa , as well as from closer to (our) home. Soon, it will be updated with photos from our recent trip to Cuba, so subscribe to the newsfeed to stay tuned!